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School Governors

This page introduces the Fleckney School Governors. It includes the statutory information which schools are required to make available about the governing body and the roles and responsibilities of governors in school. The different categories of governor and details on how to become a parent governor are also included.

 Fleckney School Governors


  • Mr Richards - Head Teacher 
  • Mr G Robinson - Interim Co-Chair of Governors (Parent governor terms ends September 2025)
  • Rev. P O'Reilly - Foundation Governor & Interim Vice Chair
  • Mrs P Teear - Staff Governor
  • Mr J Richards - Head Teacher 
  • Mrs G Siddon - Parent Governor (term ends September 2025)
  • Miss C Jenkins - Parent Governor (term ends September 2025)
  • Mrs L Billson - Parent Governor (term ends September 2027)
  • Mrs S Modi - Parent Governor (term ends September 2027)
  • Mrs A Collins - Parent Governor (term ends September 2027)

If you need to contact the governing body at all for anything please use this email:

 Committee Structure:

Health and Safety Committee, Chair: Mrs Sarita Modi
Finance and Staffing Committee, Chair: Mrs Gail Siddon
Curriculum Committee, Chair: Mrs Laura Billson 
Teachers Pay Committee, Chair: Mr Gareth Robinson