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Free School Meals and Pupil Premium

The vast majority of pupils remain in school over lunchtime and nutritious school meals with an excellent choice are cooked on the premises. Meals are free for all children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 and cost £2.65 per day (£13.25 per week) for all children in Key Stage 2. 

A vegetarian menu is always available and special diets can be catered for. Dinner money for the week should be brought on Monday mornings, credit being allowed for any absence. It is very helpful for teaching staff if children bring the correct amount.

If your child is late, a dinner should be ordered at the school office by 10 a.m., otherwise the child should bring a packed lunch.

Parents are welcome to try out a school dinner or discuss any special menus with our cook. We have a rota system for entry into the dining hall, although the children from the Reception Unit go first.

The kitchen also provides a selection of drinks and healthy biscuits for sale. Current prices are on display within the school. Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 children receive fresh fruit free of charge at break times. Key Stage 2 children are able to buy toast and healthy snacks from the school kitchen at break time.



Other information and forms to download


Dinner Money Payments. When you wish to top up your child’s dinner money account, you will need to enter the amount you wish to pay. If you do not enter an amount, the system will assume zero and so the account will not be topped up. Lunches for children in KS2 currently cost £2.65 per day and are free for children in FS, Year 1 and Year 2.